Booking Inquiry


Kristallhotel Corona


St. Catarina Lanz 22

I-39030 St. Vigil in Enneberg (BZ)


Tel. 0039  0474 501 038
E-Mail: info@hotelcorona.net
Web: hotelcorona.net
VAT Nr.: IT01474200217
CIN: IT021047A1TN4DQ8F6


Legal representative: Robert Frenner


Picture sources
Hotel Corona, Anna Frenner, Alex Molling, IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige: Frieder Blickle, Adobe Stock, Shutterstock, Fotolia, Ugo Visciani Corvara, Franz Pfluegl, Yuri Arcurs, Arnold Ritter, Südtirol Marketing, Hannes Niederkofler, Skirama Kronplatz, Adrenaline X-Treme Park


Hotel Corona endeavours to observe applicable copyrights in all publications. Should an infringement of copyright nevertheless occur, Hotel Corona will, after notification, remove the object in question from its publication or mark it with the appropriate copyright.


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This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.


Hotel Corona, who commissioned the website www.hotelcorona.net, hereby expressly declares that the linked pages did not contain any illegal content at the time the links were created. Hotel Corona has no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. Hotel Corona therefore expressly distances itself from any changes to the content of the linked pages made after the links were set up.


Liability notice
Despite careful control of the content, Hotel Corona cannot accept any liability for the content of other websites linked to the homepage. The operators of these sites are solely responsible for their content.


Hotel Corona assumes no liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to all other Internet pages to which links are provided. It is expressly pointed out that Hotel Corona is neither responsible nor has any influence on the content of other websites. Hotel Corona therefore excludes any liability or guarantee.


The content and structure of this website are protected by copyright. The use or reproduction of information, texts, parts of texts or images requires prior consent, unless expressly indicated otherwise.


In the event of disputes or problems, Hotel Dosses requests that you contact them in advance in order to avoid unnecessary legal disputes and costs. The costs of a legal warning without prior contact will be rejected as unfounded in the sense of the duty to minimise damages.


Mandatory information according to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council
Platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) of the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/


Booking Südtirol partner >>


Publication and transparency in accordance with the law of 4 August 2017, 124 et seq. in effective version.
To be checked here >>



Realization of the Website
Concept, Layout, Design and Programming of the Website www.hotelcorona.net was realized by the Web Agency BRÄND.FRESH.